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Cathedral ceiling with windows to a beautiful view

From planning and design to construction and materials, we'll walk you through every step of the process to help you replace your windows.

Step 3: Maintenance and Warranties

Modern windows require very little maintenance. In certain conditions, when moisture levels in the house are very high (such as showering in a bathroom, or boiling large amounts of water) condensation may form on the inside of the glass or frame. It is very important to remove the moisture from the surface before mould is given the opportunity to grow.

Ostaco - How To Care for My Windows and Doors?

Jeld-Wen - Understanding Window Condensation

It is also possible for a new window to come out of adjustment during the first year. This is typical as the unit settles into its final location. If your window becomes more difficult to close, or appears to be rubbing on the frame, a simple adjustment may be necessary. Simply contact your Build-It-Better Coach to book an appointment for a service technician to come and adjust your window.

Each manufacturer has a different comprehensive warranty for their products. It is important to understand your coverage before you initiate a claim. Your supplier will provide you with warranty information for the windows that you choose. It is also available on their websites:

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