From planning and design to construction and materials, we'll walk you through every step of the process to help you create a beautiful deck.
Step 6: Adding Lighting and Accessories
When it comes to lighting, there are numerous ways to go about applying lights to your deck. While lights are not necessary for your deck, they may benefit the ways in which you utilize your space.
If you plan to use your deck at night, it is recommended that you invest in lights so that your outdoor living area is more safe to navigate. There is quite the variety in light options as there are overhead lights, such as string lights, railing lights, or floor lights that can be installed directly into the deck, even on stairs.
These lights can be wired or better yet, solar powered! We recommend that you research your options and compare them to your needs (based on the size and shape of your deck as well as the functionality and what you plan to do with your space).
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Century Aluminum Railings
Regal Ideas
LED Lighting System
How To Install
Trex LED Lighting

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