From planning and design to construction and materials, we'll walk you through every step of the process to help you replace your windows.
Step 1: Install Your New Windows
Once your windows have arrived, it’s time to get them installed. Before your chosen contractor arrives it’s important to make a few small preparations:
- Make sure that the window(s) being replaced has any window treatments removed, and that the Installer has clear access to the window from the inside of the house.
- Make sure that there is clear access to the exterior of the window.
- Try to create space for a staging area for the contractor to set up outside, allowing room for a vehicle / trailer to unload. (If you are installing the windows yourself, ensure you have an area cleared for the windows to be unloaded once the delivery truck arrives).
Once installation begins, it is a good idea to be available to the contractor in case any unique situations arise that may need you to make a decision. A common example of this is the discovery of water damage to surrounding areas that may have been concealed by the old window. A reputable contractor will want to show you the issue, and create a plan to fix it, instead of covering it back up. This usually comes with an additional cost, which you will want to approve prior to executing the fix.

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