From planning and design to construction and materials, we'll walk you through every step of the process to help you replace or install your siding.
Step 8: Maintain Your Siding
Visually inspect the siding
At least once a year, we recommended that you complete a routine check of your siding to observe any possible damage, loose boards, mould, dirt, and more. By inspecting your siding often, you reduce the potential risk of problems, and you can fix them before they compromise your siding. Regular inspections make your life easier should you run into any problem. For example, it is much easier to remove dirt from your siding that has been there for a few weeks than a few years.
How to remove accumulated dirt or mould
Dirt can accumulate on your siding from everyday life, and while it is not a significant damaging factor, it should be removed so that your siding looks its best and performs optimally.
A garden hose should be enough to spray away most dirt as long as the water pressure is less than 100 psi. If the dirt still remains after using a hose, you can use a soft bristle brush and diluted dish soap to scrub away the dirt before rinsing gently.
Mould can also be removed with a soft bristle brush, so there is no immediate need to panic if you discover any on your siding. It should, however, be removed immediately.
How to repair scratches, chips, and bumps
Substantial impacts can potentially damage your siding, even if your siding is durable, so you should always check up on your siding if anything hits it. If a board is damaged, repair it, and apply some touch-up stain.
How to check the sealant
Every so often, you should observe your sealant around any joints and ensure it has not hardened or cracked as water damage can only be prevented by functional sealant – repair sealant as required.
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