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A background image of elaborate trim and an interior door accompanied by a vibrant red chair
TURKSTRA - Build-It-Better - Trim & Doors

From planning and design to construction and materials, we'll walk you through every step of the process to help you replace your trim and doors.

Step 2: Install Your Hardware

Required Tools:

  • Spade Bit
  • Hole Saw
  • Screw Driver
  • Measuring Tape
  • Chisel
  • Handle Jig
  • Hinge Jigs

Here are a few things to remember when installing new hardware, or replacing old hardware.

  • While it is easy to replace a lock that has been previously installed, it is important to get the correct backset size. The common backsets for interior doors are 2 3/8”, or 2 3/4″. You can also purchase an adjustable lockset as this removes the need to measure.
  • When replacing your handles it is a good idea to replace the other hardware on your door at the same time in order to match the new finish.
  • If you are installing a lock on a new door a door lock jig can make a big difference, especially if you are replacing several doors at once.
  • Similarly, there are hinge templates, and hinge jigs available that make it easier to machine the hinge locations. Make sure you get the right size for the hinges you are installing.
  • Always read and follow all manufacturer installation instructions packaged with your hardware or listed online. This is the best way to ensure your warranty is valid and avoid troubles down the line.
Follow manufacturer guidelines:




Standard VS Ball Bearing Hinges

Door Thickness

How To Use a Dewalt Door Handle

Taymor - Mortise Door Prep

Taymor - Keyed Entry Lock

Door Handles

On the wall side of the door: Take accurate measurements of where the handle latch will meet the jamb, if the jamb is pre-drilled then use that measurement as the height for your door handle. Otherwise, you will need to measure and cut the hole in the jamb yourself. Specialty tools exist to cut this hole, although standard spade style drill bits can do the job as well. Most handles will include an installation template.
  • It is important to note that your door will have reinforced blocking at the standard handle height you can use this as a guide on where to put the lock.
  • It’s always best to reference the manufacturer’s installation instructions before installing your handle.

How to Measure for Handle & Hardware Installation

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