Turkstra Cares
Over 70 years of supporting our communities and building relationships to last a lifetime.
Customer Appreciation BBQs
In May or June, each Branch held one very special BBQ where invitations were sent to hundreds of customers and email subscribers to come and enjoy a free BBQ. Customers were not only able to enjoy a delicious meal, they also got a chance to play industry related games and take advantage of some special promos; PLUS, we made a donation to a local charity for each person who attended.
Weekly Charity BBQs
Each Friday from May through September, each Turkstra Lumber branch hosts a charity BBQ in support of a local charity. Customers, employees and neighbouring businesses have come together to support this endeavour for over a decade. Thanks to all who came out to show support. We look forward to seeing you all next!
#Chili4charity is an annual fundraiser where participating locations have employee volunteers make pots of their best chili recipes for our customers and collect donations for a local charity. Employees and customers alike join in on social media using the hashtag #Chili4Charity to show support for their local branch. An official taste test happens at the very end to crown a winner amongst the Turkstra chefs. The champion not only gets all of the bragging rights, they also get take home a Chili Charity trophy until the next annual cook-off.
Flamborough Paint Challenge
The Flamborough Paint Challenge is Flamborough’s first youth-led event aimed at building relationships and skills while fighting youth poverty. Turkstra Lumber has been a proud sponsor and has participated since the very beginning. Thank you to each of our customers, staff and vendors who have come together time and time again to help those in need. Together, in 2018 we raised over $290,000 for local charities and food banks.
Coldest Night of the Year
CNOY is a Canada wide fundraising walk that supports various local charity partners across the country. Turkstra Lumber has been participating year after year and is a proud leader in our category all across Canada thanks to the efforts of our staff and their families. Each of our locations enter a team and will be walking in the cold for 5-10km to raise awareness and support for their local communities.
The Turkstra Lumber Like-A-Thon is a unique online fundraising campaign in which Turkstra Lumber donates $1 for every new Facebook or Instagram like to charity. Turkstra Lumber as well as our partners such as Owens Corning and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats donate amazing prize packs that are given away during our biggest live stream of the year. Winners were announced every 5 minutes as the prizes get bigger and better.
Turkstra Food and Coat Drive
For many years, our branches have been running winter coat and food drives. These drives are a great way to directly impact our communities and support those who are less fortunate as winter approaches.
2019 Miracle Plane Pull
Turkstra Lumber has hopped aboard for the 7th Annual Miracle Plane Pull in support of McMaster Childrens Hospital. Thank you to our staff volunteers from all across the company, as well as all of our supporters and anyone who came to enjoy the festivities on June 23rd.
2018 Turkstra Lumber Vs Biggs and Barrbarians Hockey
Local radio station 97.7 Hits FM’s morning show holds a weekly charity hockey game where teams raise money for the chance to compete against their team. Employees from all across the company came together to raise money and support the cause.

As part of our rich work culture, we host events for all of our employees in celebration of milestones and achievements. These events encompass things like family zoo trips, sports events, and even employee trips.

We love giving back to the communities that support us, and as such, we run contests that provide our customers the opportunity to win fabulous prizes. Always keep your eyes on our social media pages for upcoming promos and contests.

We pride ourselves in providing world class customer service to each one of our customers every single day, but don’t take our word for it, just hear some of the unbelievably amazing things our customers have to say! Thank you to each of you for your continued support and kind words.
If you’re a Turkstra customer who wants to share your story with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!